What You Must Know About Soccer Playing
Soccer has been a popular pastime and activity for millions, young and old around the world. Sadly, many people are ignorant about the game’s intricacies. The article below contains some basic soccer facts and tips to help you get to know this wonderful sport.
Soccer Cleats
The best thing to do is to pass the soccer ball when you notice a defender starting to close in on you. Maintain ball control and advance safely. Pass as soon as defenders have closed in on you. The other player will then have a few seconds before defenders close in on them.
If you are seeking out soccer cleats, make sure that they fit your feet well. Properly fitted soccer cleats should be pretty tight and offer good support of the arches. You should also make sure that the cleats you buy allow your ankles to move freely. Use caution, as the wrong cleats may damage you.
Do not try to approach the goal without a good opening. Look for a person on your team that is in a good position if the field isn’t open. The sooner you pass it to them, the better the chances of making it to the goal.
Think about how experienced you are in soccer before buying cleats. Pick up something with plastic and synthetic materials if you are just starting out. Advanced players generally prefer screw-in cleat because they can be changed out depending on the type of soccer field you will be playing on.
Always watch the ball when you’re playing soccer. This is a fast-paced game and the ball could go from one person to another quite quickly. Losing the ball for even one moment will put your team at risk of losing a point.
Do an Outside Elastico. The goal of this maneuver is to quickly cut back in towards the field from the outer flanks. To learn the move, use a cone or other marker placed on the field. Step back five times. Dribble towards it. Once you are close, touch outside and to the inside. Fooling your opponent occurs through the outside touch. Keep in mind that your second touch needs to be bigger then your first one.
Always look to include the element of surprise against your opponent. Good players will notice the plays you make and predict them. Look to push the soccer ball quickly to the opposite field side, or try sending it behind you if you’ve got defenders moving in on you quick.
Penalty Kicks
Come up with strategies with the help of your teammates. Tell them your plans so they will know what to do. For example, knowing that two plays will go right and the next will go left means everyone is on the same page.
You should work on your penalty kicks at the end of each practice. This will train you to be on target after getting fouled during a game. Learn a variety of different kicks to utilize during penalty kicks. Make sure you practice them thoroughly so that you can successfully perform them every single time.
Practice your dribbling by using a tennis ball. Using a small ball will help you adjust to keeping your feet in control. Once you’re comfortable with this, dribbling a soccer ball will seem effortless.
Practice and play with players more experienced than you. This will help you hone your own skills. Ask the players questions in order to learn as much as you can. Since soccer is team-oriented, many players will be happy to assist you in developing your skills. If you don’t know any experienced players, go to some local games and introduce yourself.
While individual goals are important when playing soccer, always remember the goals of the team. Soccer needs a team to be truly effective, so the goals of your team are as vital as your own.
If you wish to make yourself better at making decisions while playing soccer, get some set plays practiced. Practice corner kicks and direct shots with teammates. If you practice such plays regularly, you will know how to choose among them during game play, which is sure to help you win.
Use your mistakes and learn from them. Do you seem to make the same dribbling mistake over and over again? Pay attention to players who are good at dribbling and try to imitate their moves. Ask your coach to help you if you are having trouble.
If the field you are playing on will be muddy, use a shoe with extra traction. Many soccer professionals prefer soft removable cleats for this type of situation. The best cleats for muddy fields are wide. In this type of situation two cleats are placed on the heel and four are placed in the midsole.
Review your play and look for ways to improve. If you’re dealing with the ball getting taken away, work on skills that prevent that from happening. Compare your technique to other players who are more successful dribblers. Do not hesitate to ask other players for tips on your dribbling.
Both the thrill of the play and the physical benefits draw countless players to the game of soccer. You needed more information about soccer in order to improve your play. This article has given you the basic knowledge you need to start practicing better.